Lighting Up Lives in Odiongan, Romblon

Be That Spark Foundation: Transforming Communities with Hope and Change. Discover our journey of impact in Odiongan, Romblon, as we address critical needs and provide valuable resources to Sacred Heart School, creating lasting change.

10/13/20233 min read

Be That Spark Inc., as dynamic and thriving organization has set out on a mission to ignite flames of hope and drive positive change in communities across the globe.

It aims to make a significant impact through its various projects.

One such project that exemplifies our dedication to creating ripples of change took place in September 2023 in Odiongan, Romblon.

A Visit to Sacred Heart School in Looc:

During this impactful journey, Charms and Wins Co-Owner and CEO and Be That Spark Co-Founder, embarked on a meaningful trip to Sacred Heart School in Looc.

This school is run by the Reparatrix Sisters and hosts approximately 200 students. Many of these students are fortunate recipients of government scholarships, highlighting the critical role the school plays in providing education to underserved communities.

Challenges Faced by the School:

The school's noble mission, however, hasn't been without its challenges. Like many educational institutions worldwide, Sacred Heart School has been severely affected by the ongoing pandemic. The nuns, teachers, and staff at the school shoulder multiple responsibilities, striving to provide the best education possible while operating on shoestring budgets with numerous unmet needs.

Identifying Critical Needs:

The initial visit brought to light several pressing needs at Sacred Heart School. These needs are essential not only for the educational development of the students but also to comply with the standards set by the Department of Education.

Desktop Computer: The Department of Education mandates the presence of a desktop computer in the school library. However, the lack of resources had made it impossible for Sacred Heart School to acquire one. This is a fundamental tool for students' research and self-directed learning.

Microscope: In the science department, the absence of a microscope hindered students' practical learning experiences. Acquiring a microscope is vital for a holistic and well-rounded science education.

Satellite Wifi: Internet connectivity is a critical part of modern education. The school currently faces the challenge of a slow and unreliable internet connection. Installing a satellite Wifi system, although essential, comes with an initial cost of approximately 30,000 PHP and an approximate monthly expense of 2,500 PHP.

Seminars and Training: Additionally, during the discovery meeting with the school personnel, it was noted that the faculty and staff could benefit from seminars and training sessions, especially when dealing with special needs students. These seminars would include topics such as assessment, identification, and strategies for effective teaching and support. Building a SpEd Center was also brought to the table for discussion.

Making a Difference:

Thanks to the generosity of Charms and Wins Inc. and Be That Spark Org, the school's most immediate need, a desktop computer, has been successfully donated this October.

However, this is just the beginning of their commitment. The Be That Spark Team is planning to return to Sacred Heart School in Looc to conduct essential training and seminars, along with addressing the other needs identified during their visit.


The story of Be That Spark's work in Odiongan, Romblon, is a shining example of how a dedicated and well-intentioned organization can create transformative change in communities that need it most. By identifying and addressing the critical needs of Sacred Heart School, we are not only providing valuable resources but also inspiring hope and growth in the hearts and minds of the students and staff.

Be That Spark Inc. is indeed igniting flames of hope and making ripples of change that will have a lasting impact in the lives of those it touches.

Be That Spark Foundation Donated Computer to Sacred Heart School Romblon
Be That Spark Foundation Donated Computer to Sacred Heart School Romblon

Brand new Desktop computer donated to Sacred Heart School Romblon